St. Michael's: The Unexplained...

St. Michael's: The Unexplained is a blog dedicated to the recording and publishing of paranormal/unexplainable stories from alumni and students of Saint Michael's College in Colchester, Vermont. If you have had a paranormal experience while at Saint Michael's past or present please contact me!

Friday, October 20, 2006

Here are a few stories from Phil Smith, A St. Mike's student who responded to a mass emailing I sent out:

I have a few weird stories from my freshman year up in Joyce 4th.

-There was a night that I had to leave the room to use the bathroom, probably around 4 AM, and all I could hear down the hall, both sides, was a weird “rain stick” sound. It was cold out, but clear, so I have no idea if that was something electrical or what. But after I get back into bed, fall asleep around 4:30, and get up again that morning, my roommate is freaking out because he woke up around 5:00 and swore I wasn’t anywhere to be seen. He woke up again an hour later, and still couldn’t find me. We figured I was maybe sleepwalking after I supposedly fell asleep around 4:30, but other than that, we can’t account for the time that I apparently lost.

-I’ve been in the bathroom when the showers turn on by themselves. Very creepy.

-The guys living next door to us first semester had this light that would always bug out on them. One day, the whole floor was freaking out because we heard this loud THUNK and then it sounded like someone was dragging something across the floor in the attic. It started at the guy’s end (which is where the girls live now), and went all the way down. When it happened, the light next door would not stop flickering. It would make so much noise and cause so much annoyance that eventually while we’re all in there, somebody yells “Shut up!!” to the light, and it stops. It didn’t bother them again for a while.

That’s my stories, take ‘em or leave ‘em. Enjoy :p

--Phil Smith


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