These stories were sent to me, they are not about spirits at Saint Michael's but I posted them because I read them just now in broad day light and, I'm not going to lie was somewhat freaked out! We'll dub them, The Babysitting: The Unexplained...
1. One time I was babysitting 3 kids who live down the street from me at night. There are two little ones, at the time probably 5 and 8. And then there was an older boy going into 6th grade. I put the little ones to bed around 9 o clock and ended up staying up and talking to the to be 6th grader until almost 11. Then once i realized the time i told him he had to head upstairs, but we kept talking on the stairwell. I was standing on the bottom platform while he was sitting facing me and back to the upstairs. In the middle of our conversation i all of a sudden saw what i thought was the little 8 year old girl walking right behind the 6th grader, into her parents room. I thought that was odd and waited for her to come back out to head back to her room until i said something. "Leah hunnie what are you doing?" The 6th grader turned around, looked, then looked back at me with the most confused look on his face and said, "no one is there.' i then proceeded to check the girls door and her room, the door was never opened, and she was the same way i left her when she had fallen asleep. Needless to say I was freaked, next thing i knew the dog across the street who never barks at anything except people started barking furiously, like worse than i had ever heard him bark. I looked outside and everything had fogged over. It was horrible. I sat on the couch and waited for the parents to get home holding the firepoker in my hand. To this day i believe i saw a ghost of a little girl. I know it doesnt that scary, but i was mortified. And got the eeriest feeling ever. but yeah.
2. ((This story sounds like one of those random stories that circulate, but i know from a firsthand source [two of my friends and the family] that it truly happened in my town)) Ok so one night 3 or so years ago, my friend was babysitting for the first time at this family's house in my town, because their kids had just gotten old enough to be watched by a sitter. So everything had been going well for her. She got the kids to bed at a reasonable time and headed to the big living/family room to watch tv. Now this family room had pretty big windows that the TV was in front of that faced the side yard right on the first floor. So the girl was just watched TV waiting for the parents to get home when all of a sudden looked into one of the windows and saw a man holding a knife. She freaked and immediately reached right in front of her for the phone and called 911. When she looked back at the window he was gone. The police were there within 5 mins of the call ((i live in a small boring town)). and the girl was just sitting in the same spot with the phone still to her ear talking to the police on the other line. The police came into the house to talk to her and asked where she saw the man, and then sent men and dogs out to search the outside of the house. They didn't find anything. After not finding anything the police were interrogating her, one officer asked her "were all the lights on like this when you saw the man?" Apparently almost every light in the room was on, making it really bright. Apparently the girl told me every officer in the room fell completely silent and stared at her. And when she said yes, they all went into a frenzy taking out guns and searching the house. The girl was so confused, and stood there scared out of her mind. Finally one of the officers came up from the basement and said one of the latches on the one of the storm windows had been broken off. The girl asked what that meant and one of the officers looked at her and said, "If all the lights were on like they are right now, there would have been no way you could have seen the man if he was outside, which means you didnt see him through the window, but his reflection... he had to have been standing right behind you." That is when she fainted. They never found out what really happened to the man who broke into the house, nothing was stolen and no one was hurt. But my friend was permenetly tramatized. ((still to this day)). Like I said i know this sounds false, but it was one of my friends who was babystting and my family is close with the family who this happened to, and one of my best friends lived nextdoor and told me all about the intense amount of police cars that were next door at 1130 that night. Makes you never want to babysit again huh?
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