St. Michael's: The Unexplained...

St. Michael's: The Unexplained is a blog dedicated to the recording and publishing of paranormal/unexplainable stories from alumni and students of Saint Michael's College in Colchester, Vermont. If you have had a paranormal experience while at Saint Michael's past or present please contact me!

Monday, October 23, 2006

Dave Breeckner mentioned in an email to me that:

"As for personal knowledge, I've heard the pentagram story was a complete fabrication, but the Hallaway (Herrouet) theatre up on North Campus IS supposed to be violently haunted."

I tend to agree with Dave in reguards to the theatre located on North Campus. Whether you are passing by it during broad daylight or in the cover of darkness the Herrouet is chilling. The first floor is completely boarded up. Windows are broken. If you look closely at the second floor and box office area's you can see hand prints on the inside of the glass. Strangely so, the lights in the building are always on despite no one having access to the building. I always thought it was because I had heard it was being renovated for community use but then my roommate who works for security at SMC told me that they are the only ones with keys to the building. Very strange. I just went past it a few days ago on my way to pick up my partner. I snapped a few pics I'll post later but what was eerie is that the lights were burning bright behind the plywood boarding up the windows.


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