St. Michael's: The Unexplained...

St. Michael's: The Unexplained is a blog dedicated to the recording and publishing of paranormal/unexplainable stories from alumni and students of Saint Michael's College in Colchester, Vermont. If you have had a paranormal experience while at Saint Michael's past or present please contact me!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Hello All,

I am awaiting new stories of the unexplained from Saint Michael's faculty, staff, and students in the very near future! I thought I would take this opportunity to share a unexplainable story I experienced first-hand while I attended Saint Michael's.

During my first year at Saint Michael's college I lived in Ryan Hall on the third floor. I had a large group of friends all of whom lived in GREAT housing on the third floor of Joyce Hall and I often spent long periods of time there. One night around one or two in the morning I left Joyce Hall and was walking across the paved area between Ryan and Joyce. As I walked between the buildings I looked up and saw a figure in the second floor Ryan stairwell window. The figure appeared to be a college age male, he was dressed head to toe in dark clothing, and he seemed to be in a deep "trance" with a glazed over look. I thought that it was a resident of the building who was under the influence of drugs and was simply stoned out of his mind and staring out the window. I spotted him as soon as I left the Joyce Hall side door and kept my eye on him the whole way across to the Ryan Hall side door. I remember thinking it was odd but I also remember chuckling to myself at the sight. The sprint across the paved area between the buildings only takes a few seconds. I expected to unlock the door and run up the stairs to see the man still glazed over in a "trance" staring out the window. Still in the second floor window, not moving a muscle as I approached and opened the door I ran up the stairs and to my shock there was no one at the window. The unsettling thing is that there was no noise in the building what so ever. Everyone was asleep, there were no sounds of foot steps or doors opening and closing in the adjacent hallways or stairwells. There were absolutely no signs of movement at all! If the man I saw in the window was as "out of it" as I observed I would at least have expected to see him walking down the hall or stumbling up the stairs but there was nothing of the sort. I froze in my steps when I did not see the man and the hair on the back of my neck stood on end. It scared the crap out of me. I remembered immediately booked it to my room on the third floor continuing not to see anyone as I ran. I got to my room closed and locked the door behind me, my heart beat in my throat. To this day I believe I saw a ghost or apparition in the early morning hours.


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